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ציבורי·3 חברים

Lorenzo Jones
לפני 11 ימים · הוסיפ/ה תמונת נושא לקבוצה.
Become a Keeper and post 3 pics and/or videos. Profile pic counts as 1 of the 3.


Complete a 24 day Avian Embryology Project with Chicks Ahoy LLC eggs & CAF incubator.


צפייה אחת
Lorenzo Jones
לפני 11 ימים · תיאור הקבוצה עודכן.
Become a Keeper and post 3 pics and/or videos. Profile pic counts as 1 of the 3.


Complete a 24 day Avian Embryology Project with Chicks Ahoy LLC eggs & CAF incubator.


EggUcation is a learning series designed to take on community-identified information that will facilitate more farming in urban and suburban cities in Connecticut. This public free learning series has created new public education materials. These are links with contacts to municipal, state and federal offices that may be useful to local people in their farm and sustainability projects. These sessions are held through the Spring annually to help people build their own farm projects before the Summer starts.

I completed Review Agribusiness meetings, documents, & trainings!

7 צפיות

I completed Review FLOC Expectations & Onboarding Material!

11 צפיות

מי אנחנו

EggUcation is a learning series designed to take on communit...


צ'יקס אהוי חוות בע"מ

ת.ד. 274

Bloomfield, CT 06002

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